This is the age of Mobile, if you haven’t realized that from mere observation, here are the statistics. The stats reveal that the numbers of mobile internet users are having a multifold growth when compared to the number of broadband internet users.

People are on the move and their internet moves with them; this should be reason why all websites should be compatible for mobile browsing.

What are Responsive Websites?

Chances are that you are viewing this website on a mobile phone and you will be finding it easy to view and navigate through this website. This is a Responsive Website.

Responsive websites are those websites that are designed to adapt its appearance and layout depending on the screen size it is being viewed on. Responsive web design allows websites to be optimally viewed on smaller screens (Mobile and Tablet) just as well as they are viewed on Large screens (Desktop and Laptop) without pinching or zooming in.

This is an essential element in designing websites for the mobile age, the majority of users are likely to view your website through their mobile phones.

Brilliant designs can be made responsive for mobile and in most cases it is not even a costly investment.

Over the last year, all websites that have rolled out of UPILA are Responsive.

Instead of building a separate mobile site (, a responsive website is much more cost effective and SEO friendly.
Even Google Recommends it.

Get a quote for your responsive website.